Department of History

You are curious, always wanting to find the facts. You like to look things up and find the answers for yourself, rather than rely on someone else. It makes sense that you are thinking about majoring in history. And URI is a great place to do just that. Come join us. History is one of the most versatile undergraduate majors you can choose, exposing you to all aspects of humanity—arts, languages, science and economics—and setting you up for success in any career path you choose.

Image of Department of History
Department of History

You are curious, always wanting to find the facts. You like to look things up and find the answers for yourself, rather than rely on someone else. It makes sense that you are thinking about majoring in history. And URI is a great place to do just that. Come join us.

History is one of the most versatile undergraduate majors you can choose, exposing you to all aspects of humanity—arts, languages, science and economics—and setting you up for success in any career path you choose.


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