"What Are We Fighting For? Feminist Challenges And The Search For Dignity In Gender Equality Work In The Caribbean"

By Association for Professional and Academic Women (APAW), Black History Month, Black Scholar Awards, Black Student Union, Black Women in Medicine, Cape Verdean Students Association, Center for Nonviolence and Peace Studies, Center for the Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Gender and Women's Studies, Gender and Sexuality Center, Harrington School of Communication and Media, International Business Programs, LBTQ (Lesbian, Bisexual, Trans, Queer & Questioning) Women's Group, Leadership & Mentor Program for Women of Color, Multicultural Student Services Center, Multicultural Unity and Student Involvement Council, Office of Community, Equity and Diversity (CED), Sexuality and Gender Alliance (SAGA), Student Association for the Advancement of Haitian People (SAAHP), Talent Development Student Board

Wednesday, February 15, 2023 5pm to 7pm

120 Flagg Rd, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881, USA

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As part of the Annual Lecture Series on African Americans, Black Diaspora, and Global Black Lives, the College of Arts and Sciences with the Africana Studies and Gender & Women's Studies Departments welcome Taitu Heron to URI.

In this event, Taitu Heron will give a public lecture on the challenges in the Caribbean incorporating feminist frameworks into gender-oriented activist spaces. She will give particular attention to cases where people are dealing with food insecurity, physical safety, shelter, childcare, and economic survival. Her talk will also address the cultural differences between LGBTQIA communiites in the Anglophone Caribbean and the United States.

A roundtable discussion with Dr. Preity Kumar, Dr. Karen Sweeting, and Dr. Tashal Brown will follow the public lecture. Dr. Catherine John will moderate. 

Taitu Heron is a Caribbean scholar, development specialist, activist, and performance poet. She is currently the Head of the Women and Development Unit at the University of West Indies, Open Campus, Cave Hill, Barbados.

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