URI East Farm, Route 108, Kingston, RI, Greenhouses Free Event
Free Event

Friday, 11/30/2018 from 11-4 PM AND Saturday, 12/1/2018 from 9-12 PM

Each year, the URI Master Gardener Program participates in the North American poinsettia trials, assisting two breeders (Beekenkamp and Dummen) who send ~25 varieties of poinsettias to be grown up in our greenhouses at East Farm. Our growing notes are reported back to the breeders and include information about growth stages, leaf structure, bloom and color. This year, we have over 2,000 individual plants of 25 varieties for sale! Plants are sold on a first come, first serve basis, while supplies last. Orders of 50 or more plants get a discounted price! Visit uri.edu/mastergardener/poinsettia/ for more information on bulk ordering.

Poinsettias are $10/ea or $8/ea for bulk orders.

Poinsettia sales directly support the URI Master Gardener Program’s educational services, including the Gardening and Environmental Hotline, kiosks, soil pH testing, public presentations and our Project Open House.

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