Friday, July 27, 2018 9am to 9pm
About this Event
80 Washington Street ##artsandculture #exhibit #gallerynightAn Innovative Installation of Visual Journaling, which has emerged as an art form and creative outlet for artists, writers, teachers, students, and individuals providing an alternative perspective to the structured sketchbook. Exploring visual journals - art makers/participants develop an integrative space that connects with their creative ideas. Journaling provides a place to explore and engage in personally relevant art making experiences that emphasize process over product resulting in increased motivation and creativity. The presenters share their twenty years of experience with the visual journal process, with strategies and approaches for implementing the visual journal as part of a personal art making practice and an educational approach with all ages.
(Professors Modler & Peck will lead a workshop July 19th from 9-3. Preregistering is advised.)
Gallery Night Reception & activities July 19, 5-9pm
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