97 Browns Farm Dr, Kingston, RI 02881, USA

https://web.uri.edu/mastergardener/poinsettia/ #uricoopext
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It's time for the URI Cooperative Extension's annual poinsettia sale. We are opening the sale to the URI community exclusively on Thursday, Nov. 21,  from 2–4 p.m., and Friday, Nov. 22, from noon–2 p.m. (The sale will be open to the general public on Saturday, Nov. 23.)

Each year, the URI Master Gardener Program participates in the North American Poinsettia Trials, assisting three breeders (Syngenta, Ball and Dummen) with data collection for multiple varieties of poinsettias. The plants are grown in our greenhouses at East Farm, and our growing notes are reported back to the breeders annually; including information about growth stages, leaf structure, bloom, and color.

This year, we’ll grow 1,800+ plants of 49 varieties using integrated pest management practices (e.g. introduction of beneficial insects to control pests, rather than pesticides) to sell to the public. Poinsettias will be sold for $10.00 per plant, OR at a discounted price of $8.00 per plant for bulk orders of 50 plants or more. Plants are sold on a first-come, first-serve basis, while supplies last.

Poinsettia sales directly support the URI Master Gardener Program’s educational services, including the Gardening and Environmental Hotline, kiosks, soil pH testing, public presentations and our Project Open House.

Learn more: uri.edu/mastergardener/poinsettia/

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