Thursday, December 6, 2018 9am to 9pm
About this Event
80 Washington Street, Providence, RI
##artsandculture #exhibit #gallerynightThe exhibit features the artwork of area artists Chai Anstett, Sam Bodian, Ria Brodell, Eli Brown, Caleb Cole, Leah Corbett, Arlo Crateau, Catherine Graffam, Jamezie, Rob Lorino, Cobi Moules, Lenny Schnier, Austen Shumway, J. Turk, Creature Karin Webb. Presented in support of the URI Honors Colloquium[u1] [u2] Reimagining Gender: Voices, Power, Action, the works in the exhibit explore notions of Gender Identity and how we read gender pertaining to transgender and gender fluidity.
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