About this Event
New Faculty Workshops - Spring 2022
Co-sponsored by the Office of the Provost and the Office for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning with support from the Academic Affairs Diversity Task Force
The spring workshops are designed to assist new URI faculty in creating and participating in equitable learning environments. Faculty will learn research-informed strategies for fostering equity and student success, and how to implement them through specific URI tools and contexts.
All workshops held via Zoom
Spring 2022 New Faculty Reunion
Date & Time: January 26, 2022 - 12:00 to 1:00 pm
Facilitator: Dr. Anna Santucci
This conversational session is an informal opportunity for participants to reconnect during the first week of classes, share with each other what’s been working well in their classes and what they’d like to improve, and collect their thoughts on how ATL can best support them during the Spring semester.
Equitable Learning - Workshop 1: Introduction to Equity: A Focus on Faculty Spheres of Influence
Date & Time: February 2, 2022 - 12:00 to 2:00 pm
Facilitator: Dr. Annemarie Vaccaro
This workshop offers an introductory overview of equity in higher education. It focuses on the myriad of ways faculty can foster inclusion in teaching, research, service, and advising. The workshop will also include information about the importance of creating inclusive classroom, departmental and campus environments.
General Education at URI
Date & Time: March 2, 2022 - 12:00 to 1:00 pm
Facilitator: Dr. Rachel Dicioccio
Have you been asked to teach or design a “Gen Ed” course… yet? Or you might soon be!
This session provides an introduction to URI’s General Education Program, what to expect when designing, teaching, and assessing a course that satisfied one of its learning outcomes.
Equitable Learning - Workshop 2: Designing Courses for Equity
Date & Time: March 10, 2022 - 12:00 to 2:00 pm
Facilitator: Dr. Annemarie Vaccaro
In this session, faculty will learn basic tenets of course design for equity, and learn to recognize and combat exclusion in curricula. Participants will reflect on their courses to determine points of inclusion and exclusion. Participants will also have an opportunity to create an action plan to [re]design their course content using equity resources covered in the workshop.
IDEA Student Ratings of Instruction at URI
Date & Time: March 31, 2022 - 12:30 to 1:30 pm
Facilitators: Anna Santucci & Sean Krueger
The IDEA Student Feedback tool is a very powerful instrument that can help instructors tell their unique teaching story, collect additional evidence for their portfolios, and explore strategies to enhance their classroom practice. This workshop is designed for first time users interested in understanding tools available within the platform, including setting objectives and custom questions, monitoring response rates, accessing current and past results, and navigating results pages to best interpret them. Participants will have the opportunity to set up their current semester forms and have questions answered in real time.
Equitable Learning - Workshop 3 : Teaching for Equity
Date & Time: April 7, 2022 - 12:00 to 2:00 pm
Facilitator: Dr. Annemarie Vaccaro
In this session, faculty will be introduced to elements of equity pedagogies as described in multiple scholarly literatures. After an overview of inclusive pedagogical tenets, faculty will engage in a series of activities to foster inclusion in teaching and advising practice.
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