140 Flagg Road Kingston, RI 02881


The Forensic Science Seminar Series is offered each semester by the Forensic Science Partnership. Speakers represent the many different specialized areas of forensic science. The speakers present their real-life experience in their field. Seminars are offered for credit, but are also open to the public at no cost. Take a look at this semester's lineup! All seminars will be held on Fridays in the new Richard E. Beaupre Center for Chemical and Forensic Sciences building: Beaupre 100, from 3:30 - 5:00 PM.

Oct. 1: Thomas Mauriello, Forensic Consultant, Truth & Lies of the Polygraph

Oct. 8: Bridget Buxton, URI Professor, Forensic Archaeology

Oct. 15: Bruce Goldfarb, Chief Mediacl Examiner, M.D., Frances Glessner Lee - Unexplained Deaths

Oct. 22: Eliot Springer, Deputy Director Police Lab, NYPD, Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life (Confucius ~ 479 B.C.) – Reflections on Forensic Science!    

Oct. 29: Eva Marie Mancuso, Managing partner, Hamel, Waxler, Allen, Collins, Civil Litigation

Nov. 5: Chief Michael Jacoda, URI Police, Active Shooter

Nov. 12: Jack Levin, Professor, NBJ, Extreme Killing

Nov. 19: Mike Driscoll, Forensic Investigator, Impacts of Fire Spread on Major Loss Investigations

Dec. 3: Judith Crowell, Defense Attorney, Defending the Guilty

Dec. 10: Joseph Courtesis, JCour-Consulting, The Ethical Use of Investigative Technology in Law Enforcement

Use links at the Website to live stream or watch later: https://www.chm.uri.edu/forensics/seminars.php

Event Details

See Who Is Interested

  • Grace Browder Anderson
  • Leslie Dancy
  • Astrid Castrillo Alvarez
  • Paige Fontes

4 people are interested in this event

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