218 S Ferry Rd, University of Rhode Island Bay Campus, Narragansett, RI 02874, USA

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For URI Graduate Students Only

Workshop Description: Traditional notions of oppression hold that it is rare, occurring by a handful of rogue agents who intend to inflict harm on targets. However, it also occurs by well-meaning agents who convey unintentional, but no less harmful, “hostile, derogatory, or negative slights and insults.” The effects of these indignities, coined microaggressions, are cumulative. The purpose of this workshop is to discuss the contours of microaggressions in the lived work experiences of minoritized students. The intended workshop objectives are to (a) describe origins of the term microaggressions, (b) define microaggressions, (c) differentiate between agents and targets of microaggressions, (d) identify the manifestations of microaggressions, (e) list the types of microaggressions, (f) describe targets’ responses to microaggressions, (g) describe consequences on targets, and (h) discuss strategies to respond to microaggressions.  

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