74 Lower College Rd, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881, USA

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The devastating earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria on Monday, Feb. 6, leaving more than 36,000 dead and tens of thousands still missing, has impacted many students, faculty and staff in the University community.

To mourn those lost and show solidarity with the millions affected by the disaster, members of the University community will assemble at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 15, for a candlelight community gathering in front of the Multicultural Student Services Center, 74 Lower College Road, on the Kingston Campus.

Julia Al-Amir, president of the Middle Eastern Student Association, led the organization of the gathering, with the help of such groups as the Multicultural Student Services Center, Hillel, URI’s Muslim Student Association, the International Center, the Chaplains Association, and The Good Five Cent Cigar.

For more information, email Julia Al-Amir at juliaalamir@uri.edu.

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