This is a Sunday Church Service for anyone seeking to find a church. It is a church for college students on the college campus. 

We don’t see this church service as an event students attend once a month. It’s not just a one-hour block of time that adds noise to the chaos of our busy lives. Instead, we see it as a community. A community that wants something different than what the world offers. We want hope. 

Not hope in ourselves. 

Not hope in our abilities. 

Not hope in always having our lives put together. 

But hope in a God who sees all that we are and all that we aren’t and loves us anyway. 


Because of this hope, we believe God has a dream for your life. 

A dream to do risky things to love people well. 

…to have a safe place to ask hard questions. 

…to invite others into life’s joys and celebrations.

…to sit with those overlooked, hurting, or forgotten. 

…to build bridges, not walls. 

…to be as radically different on Friday night as we are on Sunday morning. 


We think the first step of this dream is gathering once a month to sing together, be inspired by God’s Word, and encourage each other to live the life that is truly life.


We hope to see you on December 3rd at 12 pm in the Memorial Union Atrium.

Visit URInvolved for complete event details and to RSVP.

Event Details