Wednesday, September 19, 2012 12pm to 1pm
About this Event
50 Lower College Rd, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881, USA
#brown_bag_lunch_time_to_quit_-_tips_for_smoking_cessationThe URI Work-Life Committee invites you to the Brown Bag Lunch Series featuring
Roger Jadosz, RN From URI Health Education Services, who will speak about "Time to Quit: Tips for Smoking Cessation"
Roger Jadosz has worked in Health Education for 12 years, and as a former smoker, knows how hard it can be to kick the habit. Please join us for a discussion on why we smoke cigarettes, different methods/tools that will really help you quit, and what to expect after you have stopped smoking.
Bring your lunch - dessert and beverages will be served.
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