Wednesday, April 10, 2019 12pm to 1pm
About this Event
215 S Ferry Rd, Narragansett
Join us for a GSO Bio at Noon seminar by Dr. Randi Rotjan (Boston University) titled, “Science and Conservation in the Largest and Deepest World Heritage Site: A Natural Laboratory for Global Change.”
Abstract: “The Phoenix Islands Protected Area (PIPA) is owned and operated by the Republic of Kiribati, and is the largest and deepest UNESCO World Heritage Site. Located in the central Pacific just below the equator, it is an excellent laboratory for global change: fewer than 50 people in an ocean area the size of the State of California, with coral reefs, open ocean, deep sea, and terrestrial ecosystems. This special place is now closed to all extractive activities; it was once heavily fished for tuna, but is now a safe haven for all marine life. We are learning some incredible lessons within and across these ecosystems. This lecture will share the latest and greatest science, and will tell us how PIPA fits in to a global and growing context of ocean conservation.”
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