15 Lippitt Rd, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881, USA

https://web.uri.edu/ai/ #ailab

A workshop designed to explore the capabilities of image and text generative AI is scheduled. We will guide you through Adobe Firefly to showcase its unique features for image generation. This workshop covers the basics of image-generating tools on Adobe Firefly, along with a few alternatives such as GenCraft. In the realm of text AI, we will delve into the most popular AI, ChatGPT, highlighting its intriguing features. Additionally, we will introduce another generative text AI, SemRush, which offers more customizable text generation. This segment will also guide you through specific prompts for a deeper understanding.

Every AI will require a Google account to access the site, personal computers are encouraged, but optional.


Join The Workshop Here: https://uri-edu.zoom.us/j/91667826692

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  • Hsin-Ju Chen

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